Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Just hangin' around:
Today I went into the paddock and again Willow came trotting to me when I whistled to her, I decided since I didn't have much time (and it is freeeezing here this spring) I would just spend some "Undemanding Time" with her to help build our relationship.  Undemanding time is just like it sounds, time together where I am not asking anything of her, just hanging out together.  It is so important (in any relationship) to make time for this.  So instead of always doing what I want to do, like play the 7 games and ride.... it is important to do what she loves to do as well.... mosey around eating, resting, eating some more etc..    This will keep her wanting to  come trotting to me :)  It was nice to just "be" with her and enjoy the day together.

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